EuroGlaze uses Facial Authentication to seamlessly monitor Time and Attendance

EuroGlaze is a Double-glazing window manufacturer based in Barnsley Yorkshire and employs about 40-50 employees and have been using the Tensor system for a long time to monitor their Time and Attendance and HR. Our reporter spoke with Graham Park the IT Manager to find out more.

Mr.Park was asked how long Euroglaze had the system for and said “We originally installed Tensor back in 2012, we took out Tensor from our infrastructure when we changed servers and switched to AC2000 butultimately Tensor was better, so we returned to Tensor”.

Our reporter then asked why he chose to switch back to Tensor “we ran the other system for a year and a bit, but it was disappointing as it was really basic,so we reverted back to tensor”. He also mentioned that prior to upgrading to the Suprema FaceStations that he had “used Tensor for a while and it was a robust system, so we upgraded to the face stations as we knew your system was excellent”

The reporter then asked about the training and Mr Park replied, “On the original system we received training, once we reverted back, we already knew the system very well, so it was quite easy to use and any time we needed help and support we’d just ring and it gets resolved easily”. In terms of the quality of training he added that “The quality of training was good, our trainer was good at explaining things”

Our reporter asked about whether he felt he used the Tensor system to its full potential to which Mr.Park replied “Yes, we use Tensor to do everything we need to do. We use the tensor system for our payroll export and Time and Attendance, and it works well. The payroll export function makes sure there is no double entries”

EuroGlaze since COVID installed the Suprema FaceStation 2 in their site. Our reporter wanted to know how they got on with the FaceStation product line and Mr Park enthusiastically said “They’re excellent, we have 2 of them and it works in the office and the factory, we installed it around COVID and it has worked since then”

When asked about what Mr Park liked the most about the system, he replied “There is no need for monthly maintenance, once it’s set up correctly it just works in the background” he also added that “the smart cards were easy to use, but the face stations were better as some employees took the cards home and forgot to bring them in”

When asked about the Fire Roll Call, Mr Park said “We don’t have the fire roll call, it was something we were looking into but we haven’t decided yet”. Additionally, he stated “we don’t see the need to extend our systems as the FaceStations are working perfectly”

Our reporter then asked whether he needed to call the helpdesk and the service quality to which he said “Yes, the helpdesk service was excellent, they solved all our problems quite quickly, you don’t need to ask more of them.” Our Reporter then asked where Tensor could improve its service “it’s simple to use, so there’s no need for any improvement there, however, I do want to find out what else tensor can offer”

In closing, our reporter then asked if he would recommend “Yes I would recommend Tensor” and summarised Tensor as “Reliable and easy to use.”