Personnel management modules in time and attendance systems can help mitigate skills shortages

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Personnel management modules implemented within time and attendance systems can help mitigate the problems of skills and workforce shortages that are forecasted to affect the UK sectors which employ a high number of EU nationals, according to the latest Labour Market Outlook report from the CIPD and The Adecco Group.

The report suggests that, despite a near record number of vacancies (748,000 according to the latest ONS data), UK employers are struggling to fill roles with the right candidates as a result of both labour and skills shortages.

Official ONS data and the Labour Market Outlook also revealed that a fall in the supply of EU nationals may be playing a key role. The official data (ONS: Jan 2017) shows that low-skilled sectors which typically employ a large number of non-UK nationals from the European Union are facing particular recruitment challenges, with vacancies in retail and wholesale, manufacturing, health and accommodation, and food services making up almost half (45%) of all vacancies.

The Labour Market Outlook, a survey of more than 1,000 employers, found that that the most common response to labour shortages has been to leave the positions empty, reflecting the tightness of the domestic labour market and tentative signs that the UK is attracting and retaining fewer EU nationals. The report also shows that as many as one in four employers (27%) have seen evidence to suggest that non-UK nationals from the European Union were considering leaving their organisation and/or the UK in 2017.

Tensor Time and Attendance System are the perfect skills management solutions

Beside checking attendance and worked times, the Tensor WinTA Time and Attendance suite also includes a dedicated HR module. Tensor Personnel allows you to record a vast amount of personal information about your company staff, including here basic details, course attendance, educational history, language skills, professional institute memberships, skills, etc.

Moreover, WinTA.NET supplies the relevant managers with information on employee’s absences through warning email notifications or via hardcopy reports. After that, the intelligent employee management system would rapidly identify missing employees that are expected to be at work and then informs you via automatic email reporting reports distributed by email.

Tensor’s range of products offer both a high level of reliability and good value for money, which means that companies who do decide to implement our solutions will immediately see the returns, without taking a hit as far as their balances are concerned.

If you’d like to find out more about the range of workforce management and Time and Attendance solutions supplied by Tensor, just contact us or Book a Demo, our representatives will be more than happy to answer any questions or queries you might have.