The Future of Biometric Access Control: How Facial Recognition and Fingerprint Technology are Changing the Game

Biometric access control system

Biometric access control systems, which use biological characteristics such as fingerprints or facial features to grant or deny access to a building or area, are becoming increasingly prevalent in both the public and private sectors.

These systems promise to improve security while also making the process of gaining entry more convenient for authorised users.

Facial Recognition Access Control Systems

Facial recognition technology has made significant strides in recent years, with software becoming more accurate and reliable. This has led to an increase in the use of facial recognition access control systems, which use cameras to scan a person's face and match it against a database of authorised users. One of the main benefits of facial recognition is its non-intrusive nature, as users simply need to look at a camera in order to be granted access. This makes it a popular choice for places with high foot traffic, such as airports and shopping centres.

Fingerprint Access Control

Fingerprint access control systems, which have been in use for several decades, work by taking a scan of a person's fingerprint and comparing it to a database of authorised users. These systems are highly secure and are almost impossible to circumvent, as fingerprints are unique to each individual.

Combining Facial Recognition & Fingerprint Access Control

Some companies have begun to combine both facial recognition and fingerprint access control, in order to provide an added layer of security. By using multiple biometric methods, the chances of a false match or someone using a fake ID are greatly reduced.

The Advantages of Biometric Access Control

One of the main advantages of biometric access control systems is their ability to provide a higher level of security compared to traditional access methods such as key cards or PIN codes. Since biometrics are unique to each individual, it is almost impossible for someone to impersonate another person and gain unauthorised access. Biometric access control systems also eliminate the need for users to carry around keys or remember PIN codes, making the process of gaining entry more convenient.

The Future of Biometric Access Control

As biometric technology continues to advance, it is likely that we will see an even greater adoption of biometric access control systems in the future. The cost of biometric access control systems is also dropping, making them more affordable for a wider range of organisations. The future of biometric access control systems looks bright, as it is likely that these systems will become even more accurate, convenient and widely used in the coming years.

Book a Demo

For more information regarding Tensor’s Biometric Access Control System, and to learn how your industry can benefit from one, please get in touch with a member of the Tensor team today who will be happy to assist you.