Mobile Fire Roll Call (FRC) Version 3.0.8 Introduces New Features and Enhancements

Mobile Fire Roll Call (FRC) Version 3.0.8

New Features and Enhancements

Error messages have been changed to display a red background in this version, the same as the MSSM.

mobile fire roll call

Employee and Visitor Codes have been added as part of the information displayed in the employee details screen.

Details Screen – The display of Employee details has been changed in this version, this has now been re-ordered into the following: Employee Code, Employee Name, Roll Call Status, Roll Call Date/Time, Company Name (Renamed from Employee Company name to Company Name), Site, Department, Section, Email

A new 'Fire Points' button (displayed as a 9-dot icon on mobile) has been added to the top right corner of the main listings page. When the user clicks this icon, they will be presented with a list of available fire points. The list will only contain fire points in the same zone as the currently active fire point, it will not display the currently active fire point.

New Sorting options have been added to the 'Filter' menu. A user can now sort by: Last Name (default), First Name and Visitor Type. When sorting by first name/visitor type, the person's last name will be used as a secondary sort.


Loading Issues – A couple of faults have been fixed with the app having difficulties loading information.

Clicking on the ‘View Contact’ and then the ‘Back’ button, this seemed to be specifically on iPAD iOS- v2.0 and v4.5.0.12.

When moving from the settings screen to the login screen, the app was giving an error message.

Forgotten Password – After clicking the ‘Forgot password’ link, the screen failed to load.

Multiple Fire Zones – When more than one Fire Zone was assigned, the Zones were found to not load correctly in the App.

Fire Points were found to not be visible when using the filter option.

Searching Employees – When using the Android App, the employee search button did not filter the exact results and sometimes showed blank.

Refreshing when the App had no internet access seemed to just hang, an error ’The device has lost connection to the web service’ has been re-added.

Login Error was displaying on the initial load before details were entered, this was found to be an issue with the error acknowledgement.

When minimising the App when in the ‘Unaccounted For/Accounted’ screen after a period of time the screen displayed blank when re-opening, this was due to the App not refreshing after a timeout.

Android Login Screen – A couple of issues were found and fixed in this version.

Remember Me – The function used to remember a User’s login details were found to not work in the previous version but has now been fixed.

The forgotten Password page opened as a blank page and has now been fixed.

QR Code – The QR code scanner button used to insert the Webservice details was found to not work, the button has now been correctly linked to open the camera option.

Left Alignments – A couple of areas were found to not line up correctly and have now been changed to align left in the App.

iOS Search Button, the cursor was found on the right.

Typing line on the search feature

The cursor for the Username & Password seemed to align to the right and has now been changed.

Forgotten Password, the cursor was aligned to the right.

Display Issues – A number of display problems have been fixed in this version.

Back to Login – After clicking this, some unwanted text would appear in the ‘Request new password’ field and has now been removed.

Fire Zone details were not being fully displayed and part of the text was cut off (only with long text fields.

Visitor and Contractors – The names were being displayed as ‘undefined undefined’ rather than their actual names.

Contact details were not being fully displayed and part of the text was cut off (Address field).

View Contact – The field name was found to disappear when the maximum amount of text was used in the field. The table layout has been changed to fit everything better.

Fire Point Groupings – A fault was found when using multiple Fire Points, although they were grouped correctly initially, after ‘Accounting for’ staff the App just added them all onto the same list. This has now been fixed so they group correctly.

Default Fire Points – Employees or Visitors that did not have a Fire Zone assigned to their record were found to not show on the app. A new ‘No Fire Zone’ entry will now be displayed in the zone dropdown menu.

Resetting to ‘UnAccounted for’. – After Logging in and then selecting a Fire Zone & Fire Point. A fault was found where only the active fire point had a reset button. A new ‘Reset’ button has been added.