The Latest Mobile Fire Roll Call App Version 2.0.4 Includes New Languages And Improved Fire Zone Settings

Mobile Fire Roll Call App Version 2.0.4

The most recent Mobile Fire Roll Call App update, version 2.0.4, contains new language packs, fixes to the loading page and improvements to the employers and visitors list.

New Features & Enhancements

New Language Packs, Polish & Spanish have been added and are now supported in this version. Users must change their Language in their Culture Preferences held in the ‘My Account’ section of the SSM. Changing these options will convert the FRC into the chosen languages.


This version sees a change in the ‘Accounted for’ and ‘Unaccounted for’ lists where each option now displays a ‘total’ headcount in each section.


A fix has been added to the loading page of the app. Currently, the page doesn't show any information so it's not clear what's happening or if the app gets stuck. Status update changes have been made and will be displayed to help debug in future.

This version has been switched to Ionic WKWebView, this change was due to a fault found with the loading on IOS devices.

An issue was found with the Employees & Visitors list where they were not listing alphabetically by surname, this has been resolved in this version.

This version sees a fix where the App was remembering the last user's Fire Zone settings. When another employee logged in with different fire zones it was displaying the last logged in user fire zone settings.

A fault has been fixed with the ‘Remember Me’ option at login. If you enabled the option, it was found to reset itself when logging back into the app, this has now been resolved.