Tensor Donates to Hail Weston Village Hall Annual Charity Christmas Quiz & Raffle

Tensor Donates to Hail Weston Village Hall Annual Charity Christmas Quiz & Raffle

Tensor plc has donated £100 and three of their finest wines to Hail Weston Village Hall’s annual charity Christmas quiz and raffle.

“In these tough times it’s important that companies help and support their local communities”, said Nigel Smith, Chairman of Tensor. The Tensor donations will be used as prizes in the Christmas quiz and raffle prizes.

The Hail Weston Christmas Quiz takes place on Saturday December 10th in the Village Hall – this fundraising event has become a village institution - now in its 15th year. It has raised over £20,000 for local people over the years.

Originally conceived as a fundraiser for the Hail Weston, parent-run pre-school, it has now become a fund-raiser for the upkeep and maintenance of the village hall – a vital community asset – as well as village initiatives. For example, this year the Village Hall are raising funds to add a wheelchair accessible gate down at the village playing fields to make this popular village area more inclusive.

Dawn Isaac, Chair of the Hail Weston Village Hall Committee, said, “The generous wine donations from Tensor will be used as a raffle prize and the £100 will fund the prizes for the winning quiz teams as well as providing a prize for the Heads & Tails game that always raises more funds during the evening”. She added, “Our aim is to raise over £1,000 from quiz ticket sales and the raffle, so thank you so much for helping make this possible”.

For more information about Hail Weston Village Hall, please visit their website here and get in touch with a member of the Committee today.