
Advanced payroll system shows when night workers are due a health assessment

Figures released under the Freedom of Information Act show that a pay pot of more than £10 million has been awarded to 102 regional hospital staff. The money will go to management and senior clinicians at hospitals in the Black Country and Staffordshire every year. They represent half a per cent of the workforce of more than 21,000. Corporate affairs director at Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust Dawn Clift said: “The vast majority of these high earners are our senior clinicians.” Tensor’s advanced Time & Attendance networks should be a New Year’s resolution for an organisation’s payroll department as they cope with all major hours calculation methods. Our range includes WinTAnet, which can determine overtime by the number of daily hours worked; as well as the more complex payment of overtime hours adjusted when periodic targets are not met. Its standard reports show: average hours worked during any period; instances when rest day rules have been broken; and when night workers are due a health assessment.  

Single time clock regime ensures company wages are paid on time

The head of a national football league said fresh sanctions would be imposed on Hearts FC if it continued to delay paying its players. The Scottish Premier League (SPL) ordered that the club’s December wages should be paid by January 11, 2012, while interest on all sums overdue from October, November and December wages must also be paid by that date. SPL chief executive Neil Doncaster said: “Today's decision demonstrates how seriously the SPL take late payments of wages to players.” The WinTA Lite time and attendance system from Tensor will ensure wages are paid on time at your company. WinTA Lite operates a single time clock and can record employee details for up to 250 people. Tensor smart cards and key fobs can be used to operate your time and attendance system. The package includes: WinTA Lite software installation CD, T32xx Clocking Station, 50 Smart Cards (additional cards available on request), a User Manual, a Serial cable for communications to PC and 12 months of free helpdesk support from date of purchase.

Tensor exhibiting at the Security and Policing 2012 event

Tensor will be exhibiting at the Security & Policing 2012 (formerly HOSDB) event in Farnborough from Tuesday 31st January 2012 to Thursday 2nd February 2012. A number of Tensor technical experts will be representing Tensor at the exhibition to advise and assist delegates with security related issues and matters. Tensor will be exhibiting with over 400 other companies attending this UK Government event which is the largest, police, security and National Resilience event in the UK. It provides a platform for showcasing world leading technologies, products and solutions to more than 570 institutions including police services, government departments and many other organisations and agencies from the UK and overseas. The event, which has been running for 30 years, is attended by Home Office agreement only, providing visitors with a unique opportunity to discuss security related operational requirements with exhibitors who can demonstrate more sensitive equipment in confidence. Tensor’s attendance at this prestigious event further confirms Tensor’s leading role in the Access Control and Security industry. The unique UK Government Zone brings together UK government agencies from all aspects of the policing and security sphere, creating a forum designed to tackle the threats posed by today’s security environment against a background of increasing financial pressure. For more information on the Security & Policing 2012 Exhibition, go to

Human resources package includes Pay Reviewer projected salary expenditure

Pay at the executive level has been the most contentious issue hitting the headlines in the past few days. PM David Cameron at the weekend criticised the “casino-style economic boom” and “the people at the very top who filled their boots with bonuses”. To back up his strong words, the government is planning to take decisive action on excessive boardroom bonuses. Echoing the banking crisis fallout, Cameron said on the BBC: “Big rewards when people fail make people's blood boil.” Tensor’s personnel and time & attendance software is the culmination of over a decade of real world experience in the human resources sectors. Included within the package is software that ensures your company complies with the recent changes to the EU Working Time Directive. Fully customisable reports can be exported to a variety of formats including HTML and CSV, ideal for either printing or displaying within your company's intranet. The system even includes a Pay Reviewer including reports, projected pay increases and salary expenditure.  

Signature capture tablets store signatures of visitors and contractors at a site

Reducing surveillance camera time due to cost concerns in a Devon town has raised security fears. The District Council has said it cannot afford to continue providing off-peak CCTV camera coverage in Newton Abbot. The current budget of £47,000 will only cover the costs of live monitoring through weekday hours. It will cost almost as half again, a sum of £26,000, to provide the additional 22-plus hours for evening and weekends. Tensor can supply to a business effective Access Control, CCTV and Visitor Monitoring Systems (VMS) which can provide total security coverage. Unlike paper-based systems VMS provides accurate date and time stamped audit trail of visitors and contractors. VMS allows Signature Capture Tablets to be connected to the system so that the signatures of visitors and contractors can be stored at the point of entry to your premises. This signature can be used for verification purposes or as proof that the visitor has read and understood the site’s security policies.  

Barriers a solution for controlling vehicle access to depot road entry points

A jury believed a defendant’s story rather than DNA evidence in the case of a raid on a warehouse store. Marc Murray (30) was cleared of violent disorder and burglary at the trial in Reading. Jurors heard that Mr Murray was arrested after blood was found on three items of electrical equipment which had been stolen. Mr Murray said he cut his hand after being knocked over by people rushing out of the Reading store as he walked past. Immediately able to recognise and allow or deny access to personnel, Tensor’s car park barriers are the number one solution for controlling vehicle access to your depot’s car park and road entry points. All automatic car park barriers are supplied complete and are ready to accept power and data connections. Boom arms are available in a number of different lengths to suit various road widths. Static or Automatic Bollards are also available. These bollards provide a genuine deterrent and are ideal for segregating certain areas of your site.  

Sophisticated HR system enables employees to earn bonus payments

A teacher was mistakenly paid more than £80,000 after she moved away to work. The woman was not punished after a conduct hearing heard her husband opened all her mail and totally controlled her financial affairs. The General Teaching Council for Scotland committee also found that Bernadine Hunter had not personally benefited from the money, which appeared to have been kept by her husband. Mrs Hunter left Glasgow in 2006 but continued to be paid for more than two years. Mistakes in payroll will be significantly reduced at your organisation with an advanced Tensor time and attendance network. WinTAnet will provide you with total control over your operation. All frequently used methods of hours calculation are handled by WinTAnet. It includes settings to separate ‘worked time’ into different overtime rates; it handles night shift working; and inserts unpaid breaks if employees do not clock them. The system allows you to create a series of shift premium rules that enable employees to earn bonus payments under special circumstances.  

Business planner can give each worker different entitlements for absence

A top city boss who has been on sick leave has refused his annual bonus. Antonio Horta-Osorio, head of Lloyds Banking Group, said this reflected the “impact” his leave of absence had had on the bank. Mr Horta-Osorio returned to work earlier this week and acknowledged that the impact of his absence had been felt both “inside and outside the bank, including for shareholders”. He also appreciated the “tough financial circumstances that many people are facing”. One of the features of a Tensor Time & Attendance system is its absence planning and entitlement management. Graphical calendar charts in our WinTA software provide a colourful way of viewing an individual’s or a department’s absence records at a business. Each employee can be allocated different entitlements for absence such as annual leave or allowed sickness. As absence is booked and taken, the available remainder for each entitlement is updated. Entitlement formulae are used to calculate more complex entitlements that work on a rising scale based upon length of service.  

Electronic access system for offices assigns staff security profiles

Antony Worrall Thompson has been cautioned by police for shoplifting. The famous chef was caught at his local Tesco store. Mr Worrall Thompson was questioned and given a formal caution after the incident involving “low value goods”. He added: “I must also apologise sincerely to Tesco, with whom [I’ve] had a long and genuine working relationship, and to all the staff at the Henley branch, many of whom I've got to know over the years.” Tensor is the destination for anyone wishing to implement an electronic smart card based access control system for commercial premises or offices. When a person attempts to pass through an access point, the T32xx access control unit compares the individual’s security profile with that of the access point. Security profiles are based upon the day, time of day, and the security threat level of the attempted access. An individual's security profile is based upon their access group. People are assigned to an access group, either unique to them or common to their department or status.  

Double half height turnstile can increase throughput at prestige access points

Toilets that are no longer used have been put up for sale by a council. Stockport Council pointed out a precedent, saying toilets had already been converted into a solicitors' office. The council said the sale of the facilities would not affect the number of public conveniences, as it had plans in place to ensure other toilets were available. One of these plans involved local businesses opening up their facilities for the public to use. Tensor turnstiles fully integrate with our smart card and biometric access control systems, giving you full jurisdiction over movement and access in and around your site. Toilet turnstiles are available that can also accept coin entry for a nominal fee. They cope with high traffic volumes and can be installed at prestige access points. Tensor's turnstiles offer improved security and extend flow capacity. Available as a double half height turnstile, your throughput can be doubled while keeping the amount of space down to a minimum.

Inbuilt security and integrity checks ensure clocking cards cannot be misread

On Wednesday (January 18) a national clothing company which employs approximately 9,600 people confirmed it was entering administration. Chief executive of Peacocks Richard Kirk issued a statement thanking staff. He added: “Peacocks is a brand with great heritage, and it is with deep sadness that we have been left with no other option but to today place the business into administration.” Mr Kirk blamed a tough retail environment, adding that measures to seek new investment did not pay off. Contactless smart cards which save businesses time and money are used to operate Tensor time and attendance, access control and visitor monitoring systems. Our most popular smart card (pictured) is the T1305, which is about the size of a standard credit card and is thin and flexible enough to be carried in your wallet. It has up to 34 billion different combinations of ID number, so there is no chance of duplication. Each ID number has built-in security and integrity checks ensuring that it cannot be misread.  

Department salaries accurately recorded and paid by workplace software

MPs are debating proposals about the introduction of regional public sector pay. The rationale behind this is the UK government says it wants to create a more balanced economy, but others say some regions will be disadvantaged. Plaid Cymru MP Jonathan Edwards said Wales could stand to lose if public sector wages were cut. Mr Edwards, who tabled a Westminster Hall debate on regional pay, commented: “We are talking about huge amounts of money leaving the pockets of ordinary working people.” A Tensor time & attendance and payroll system will calculate all manner of wages, shifts and bonus data. Using the WinTA software the personnel section can view all time and attendance information for an employee or a single department. In the Employee screens an index tab system is used hold different categories of information. Some of these are user definable fields, including user definable tables and arrays. This all means that the salaries and hours of your workforce will be accurately recorded and paid.