Access control options include evidence quality CCTV images of forced entry

Thieves drained a petrol station of fuel in a record haul for the south Wales area of more than 10,000 litres. Police have appealed for information and are keen to trace the owner of a car seen in the forecourt around the time of the theft, as well as some passers-by who could be key witnesses. Neath and Port Talbot police commented: "There was no damage caused to the equipment at the filling station, which suggests that this crime was committed by a very professional and organised team."

Using Tensor Access Control software your firm can be assured that you will receive a simple to use, highly secure way of controlling access to areas or buildings, as well as monitoring who is present 24 hours a day. This is particularly useful for sites that are empty or unattended for long periods. CCTV tracking is a powerful option as the video clips show "evidence quality" footage of forced entries, alarm events, or users of our contactless Smart Cards gaining access or being denied.

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