Advanced time and attendance product works with major payroll systems
The UK government is expected to respond fully within the next month to a report which says the railway industry could make annual savings of £1bn. The independent report pushes forward the use of machines to replace ticket offices currently provided and staffed by rail company employees. Rail consumer watchdog Passenger Focus said ticket machines were “second rate” compared to a staffed ticket office. The Department of Transport said it is reviewing staffing options.
WinTA Enterprise is the flagship Windows™ based time and attendance product from Tensor. Its modular design can link to Tensor Access Enterprise and Tensor Personnel Enterprise. Powerful individual and group absence planners as well as comprehensive user-definable working patterns, rosters and annualised hours are just some of its advanced features. The Export to Payroll function links to Sage, Pegasus, Centrefile, Unipay and other systems. The T32xx Clocking Station works independently of the PC if the PC is switched off or fails and has digital outputs to control door locks, fire alarms and wall clocks.