Cost saving proximity read clocking smart cards have a near infinite life
Due to the fact it will expand to a full time service in mid Wales, the Wales Air Ambulance emergency service will end up costing an extra £300,000 a year. It will operate for a trial period of six months with the intention of making it permanent. The charity, which made the announcement at the Royal Welsh Show in Powys, explained that seven-day cover was vital in such a remote region. Each mission is said to cost around £1,500.
Tensor Smart Card operated time and attendance systems help to save your organisation time and money. The proximity read cards do not contain a battery, thus they have a near-infinite life, and can be read an infinite number of times – which will save on costs. This is unlike swipe clocking systems, which cause much wear and tear on cards. All Tensor smart cards and key fobs use the same well-proven and reliable RF (Radio Frequency) reading technology. This gives a consistent read range which is unaffected by most external conditions.