Graphical displays of department absence records aids workplace management
A survey found that more than a third of workers admitted to ‘skiving'. Accounting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) polled 1,190 people, of which 34% admitted to taking time off work under false pretences. Most of those confessing to the office crime said they did so because they were bored and depressed with work. Almost half of the skivers told PwC they planned their sick days by faking symptoms around the workplace in advance.
As well as handling all major hours calculation methods and swift smart card based clocking, Tensor time & attendance systems are unbeatable at absence planning and entitlement management. Absenteeism and lateness reporting is another specialist feature of our WinTA networks. Graphical calendar charts provide a colourful way of viewing an individual's or a department's absence records. Each employee can be allocated different entitlements for absence such as annual leave or allowed sickness. Entitlement formulae are used to calculate more complex entitlements that work on a rising scale based upon length of service.