Onsite automatic car park barriers can immediately recognise authorised personnel

Following a swoop involving uniformed and CID officers, police in north England found no evidence that any of the sites they investigated were involved in processing stolen scrap metal. Sergeant John McIntosh commented: “There have been 20 thefts of metal, mainly lead and copper, over the last 30 days in South Cumbria. We visited three sites in Barrow and we went through their records. This is a good result as it shows local firms are doing things correctly.”

Automatic car park barriers, bollards and gates from Tensor are ideal security additions if your site or office has extensive outdoor space. Automatic barriers are the default choice for controlling your site's car park and road entry points. The barriers can also double up as a way of monitoring the number of vehicles passing through the control point. Suitable for both large and small premises, they can work in any weather, and are able to immediately recognise authorised personnel. Optional extras include a folding arm mechanism and an impact release mechanism.

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