Overtime easily monitored using PC workplace recording tool
Nearly two-thirds of UK staff believe employers are breaking overtime rules. The Workforce Institute found that a majority of workers in every region, except the United States, said their employer had at some time violated overtime rules. Thankfully there were lower levels of perceived legal breaches in the UK (63 per cent) compared to places like China where it hit a high of 88pc. Researchers found that working extra hours at the office was “commonplace around the world”.
Using a Tensor PC clocking recording system your firm can create a range of daily working patterns (shifts), with either fixed or flexitime rules, to ensure overtime and other working rules are adhered to. These can run past midnight, making night shifts simple to define. Overtime is easily monitored with up to four different pay bands in each shift. Bands are selected based on the time and the number of hours worked. An Exception view quickly identifies areas where the normal working pattern has not been followed.