Personalised smart cards available complete with photograph and company logo
Senior staff fear redundancies at Central Scotland Police are unavoidable because of deep cuts to the force's budget. Plans have been drawn up for the potential loss of 80 civilian posts and 48 police officers. A recent spending review prepared by Chief Constable Kevin Smith outlined two scenarios – one with a 23 per cent cut in officer numbers if an old employment regulation can be used, and a reduction of 13% if it cannot. Unions are likely to strongly resist plans to lay off staff in a compulsory way.
A variety of smart cards (including dual interface cards) can be used to operate both your Tensor access control and time and attendance system if you so require. All smart cards supplied by Tensor can be customised to fit in with your corporate identity. Dye sublimation printers are used to print high quality images onto adhesive labels for sticking onto your smart cards. This means that each employee at your organisation can have a personalised smart card complete with photograph and company logo.