Prison visitor monitoring system could prevent weapons’ use in prisons
A prison visitor monitoring system can be a very effective tool in preventing the smuggling and use of weapons into prisons and correctional facilities, a concerning phenomenon that’s becoming increasingly widespread across the UK.
The latest report regarding the “significant” use of weapons by inmates comes from Cookham Wood, a news source was able to reveal.
Some 35 weapons were found in the the detention facility for teenage boys during an inspection, er Majesty’s Inspectorate of Prisons (HMIP) said. In the six months leading to this inspection, 169 acts of violence were recorded , compared to 130 at the previous inspection.
Chief inspector of prisons Nick Hardwick said: “We inspected Cookham Wood at a tough and challenging time.” Despite this, Mr Hardwick said there was evidence of improvement since the inspection and “every reason for optimism”.
“However, risks remain and the need to recruit suitable new staff is fundamental to the future success of the prison,” he said.
The implementation of a secure and reliable prison visitor monitoring system could certainly help curb this potentially dangerous phenomenon by enabling officers to thoroughly monitor each visitor , possibly preventing them from smuggling illegal materials into the facility.
Tensor’s Prison Pass system is the ideal low-cost, efficient visitor control solution, enabling HM Prison Service Officers to easily check the visitors’ identities and, more importantly, monitor their movements at all times.
Our system enables the easy pre-booking of any person that visits the prison, whether we’re talking about legal representatives, contractors or visitors. The bar-coded pass each visitor is issued with will also sport a photo taken with a digital camera, thus enabling their precise identification at any checkpoint they might go through.
The Prison Pass prison visitor monitoring system also includes a very comprehensive software solutions, enabling the Prison Service Officers to generate fire evacuation reports for visitors and contractors, highly accurate records of the historical movements of inmate visitors, visitor to inmate analysis results, etc.
Moreover, the system can also issue standard warning / banned notification letters, while other bespoke reports can also be added to the system.
If you would like to find out more about the Tensor Prison Pass system, just contact us or Book a Demo, we’d be more than happy to answer all of your questions and queries.