Proximity read clocking smart cards have encoded ID that cannot be duplicated

Two southern England police authorities could face having to cope with redundancies after signing a merger agreement. A new combined unit will share and manage police data across the two forces, will be based in existing locations across Hampshire and Thames Valley. A police statement said: “The creation of the joint unit will reduce the total number of posts required to deliver information management for the two forces.” The new unit will involve “few, if any, redundancies.”

Tensor proximity read smart card clocking methods can save your organisation resources and improve efficiency. The most popular T1305 Tensor Smart Card is the size of a standard credit card (thin and flexible enough to be carried in your wallet) and operates our time and attendance, access control and visitor monitoring systems. The product comes in two different colours, is very secure and is virtually foolproof. The reason is that the smart card microchip is a passive device which holds a unique factory encoded ID number that cannot be duplicated.

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