Range of alarms and turnstiles can be connected to business security network

In a measure to help boost front line policing British Transport Police (BTP) announced that it has reduced senior ranks by one-fifth. The cut aims to save almost £10 million over the next five years. The BTP's chief constable Andy Trotter said: “I am determined to protect our front line service from budget cuts. I want more officers out there, particularly late at night, to tackle crime, anti-social behaviour and to provide a visible reassurance to the public."

Using Tensor’s access control systems you can create a wide range of daily access patterns, which can run past midnight, enabling you to restrict certain areas of your site using time constraints. A range of equipment, devices and releases can be connected to your business security network, which can be operated through your access control software including: alarms and hooters, turnstiles, barriers, door release buttons, electro-magnetic door locks, fingerprint readers and scanners. Audit trail reports are generated showing who was granted or denied access at any location at any time.

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