Small scale time and attendance monitoring product is ideal for schools

A teaching union says it has put a ten-point plan to a school’s governing body to resolve a pay dispute. Six teachers are affected overall, about a quarter of the teaching staff, at a Gwynedd school in north-west Wales. Commenting on the plan, union official Chris Keates said: “This was rejected. Instead the governors opted to push forward with redundancies.” Two teachers face redundancy, and two one-day strikes have already been held at the school over the issue.

A scaled-down version of Tensor’s acclaimed WinTA Lite time and attendance software is available to organisations such as schools that do not want all of WinTA’s comprehensive features. A straightforward attendance recording product is delivered via the PC Clock which is a simple booking system where each pupil has access to a PC. Pupils are simply presented with an input screen on their PC allowing them to clock in and out. Many features like the holiday and absence planners are still present for small-scale time and attendance monitoring.

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