Time and attendance system works with all major payroll packages

Richard Evans, president of PepsiCo in the UK and Irish Republic, defended the scale of top bosses’ salaries after they were criticised in a new report by the High Pay Commission. Mr Evans said the UK has to be competitive. “If we want great people to come and work in the UK, given it’s a global talent pool, we’ve got to be prepared to pay the amount of money that those executives can get elsewhere in the world,” he told the BBC.

A major requirement of any Time and Attendance system is the ability to export information to the payroll system. Tensor is the leader in this field and has worked with all of the major payroll packages. Our class-leading WinTAnet Time & Attendance clocking and payroll network has a wide range of configuration options to extract payroll information in exactly the correct format. It can share or receive information from third party applications by using readily available interface modules.

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