Visitor Management Systems can Help Bolster Campus Security


Visitor management systems represent some of the best solutions to help enforce and enhance security in college and university campuses, while also mitigating the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic and other threats, experts believe.

Visitor management systems offer campus safety personnel the ability to pre-screen guests they know are coming to campus by developing questionnaires based on security policies that guests can respond to on their mobile devices prior to their visit. If the responses raise any red flags, the system can deny entry.

Furthermore, many educational institutions can now also incorporate a COVID-19 pre-screen questionnaires as a part of the pre-registration process to quickly identify those that could pose a health risk to students, faculty and staff.

With a web-based software as a service visitor management system, a dashboard of data is available that allows for real-time tracking, host notifications (text and email), security alerts for unwanted visitors, and more. Campus security officers can easily pull up-to-date evacuation lists from the dashboard in the event of an emergency. Being able to pull visitor names and correlated information on demand to identify the number of individuals on-site, who they are and where are they located at the time of an emergency is critical to any strong emergency response strategy.


The Tensor Self-Service Visitor Management (“Tensor SSVM”) for Android/iOS devices allows organisations to cut reception and back-office cost whilst at the same time improving security and streamlining the visitor experience.

Organizations operating unmanned or manned receptions will be able to use SSVM, which runs on any standard touchscreen-enabled device, to streamline visitor check-in and check-out processes with a simple multi-lingual, user-friendly interface, thereby improving throughput and administration costs.

Furthermore, the system can notify hosts by email, Text or voice massages to their phone of the visitor’s arrival and also improve security, because the App integrates with the tablet / smartphone camera allowing the capture a visitor image to be stored against their profile in the visitor database.

The SSVM app automatically prints visitor’s passes at check-in and configures iOS or Android tablets to receive visitors arriving for their appointments at specific locations within a site. It supports multiple visitor types (Visitor/Contractor/Employee) and enables administrators to specify the workflow – a series of steps required in the check IN and check OUT process – for each visitor type.

Visitors can check-in against a pre-planned appointment or create ad hoc appointments as necessary, and will be automatically recognised by scanning QR or bar codes printed on their appointment documentation, passes or sent to their mobile phone.

Furthermore, they will have their attendance automatically recorded, enabling the host organization to see exactly who is on-site at any given time and to whom, or what task, they are assigned, and will be automatically logged on to a live Fire Roll Call so that managers can instantly account for every visitor in the event of an emergency

Working in conjunction with the Tensor SSM (Self-Service Module) in Tensor.NET, the SSVM is fully customisable both in appearance and its interaction with visitors.

If you’d like to find out more about the Tensor Self-Service Visitor Management App (SSVM), please contact us or book a demo, our sales representatives will be more than happy to answer any question you might have.