WinTA Enterprise provides total control over working rules for large companies

West Midlands Police Chief Inspector Matt Markham responded to Birmingham MP Jack Dromey’s prediction that more than one thousand officers would be lost. Mr Markham would not confirm jobs were at risk and said the force could not comment on speculation. “We understand there will be challenges ahead but we are confident we will deal with them while continuing to protect the public and maintaining the high quality of service in the communities we serve,” he said. The force’s budget has been cut by £6.9m this year as part of Whitehall steps to reduce the UK’s debt.

WinTA Enterprise is the flagship product of our proven range of Windows™ based smart card time and attendance products. It provides total control over working rules, access control and job costing intended for larger companies or bodies like police forces. WinTA Enterprise holds details for up to 2000 employees, including a photograph of each person, if required. Searching for the details of a particular employee is quick and easy, with the ability to sort on any column or perform a surname search at the touch of a button.