Workers can book their own absence reason codes to save time

Monday, February 7 was known as 'national sickie day' because traditionally a record number of workers stay at home on that date. Falling on the first Monday in February, it is characterised by thousands of workers calling in sick, and causing businesses to lose money. Time and motion and work experts have blamed the phenomenon on a post-Christmas malaise, the cold weather, bills to pay following a festive binge, and the fact that many weeks remain before most workers take another holiday.

Absence planning and management is one of the specialist functions of Tensor time and attendance systems. Our WinTA time and attendance networks allow workers to book their own absences in the clocking stations to save time, and they can record up to nine absence reason codes, such as ‘dentist’. The proximity read method of Tensor smart cards and key fobs means that they will never wear out, and our range of dermal fingerprint reading technology gives increased accuracy and reliability, and eliminates practices like ‘buddy clocking’.

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