World class workplace network links to Sage and other payroll systems

A leading insurance firm has lost the vote on executive pay at its annual meeting. Excluding abstentions, the majority of shareholders at Aviva voted against the company’s latest remuneration report. Shareholders are angry at salary levels paid to board members while shares have fallen by more than a quarter during the past year. As a result, group chief executive Andrew Moss has agreed not to take a rise in his pay, which would have put his £960,000 salary above £1 million.

A world class system is available from Tensor which deals with all aspects of employee hours, wages and payroll at the workplace. WinTA Enterprise is a top-of-the-range multi site network suited for larger companies. WinTA Enterprise can store up to 2000 employees on a single Time and Attendance clock. Comprehensive working patterns, annualised hours and flexi patterns are some of the features that can be set up. The Export to Payroll function links to Sage, Pegasus, Centrefile, Unipay, Moorepay, and others.

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