Advanced salary calculating technology suits any size of employer

Labour supports the Coalition’s salary freeze and argues that protecting jobs is a higher priority. The man in control of the opposition purse, Ed Balls, insists the party is united and claimed the “vast majority” of union members backs this position. However, Unite boss Len McCluskey and the GMB union chief Paul Kenny both attacked Mr Balls and Labour leader Ed Miliband at the party conference. Mr Kenny reportedly showed a dossier of ‘Balls Ups’ concerning the shadow chancellor’s term at the Treasury.

Advanced technology from Tensor will collect, calculate and analyse salary or shift data at the office or factory. Our Time & Attendance systems suit any size of employer and do not require Treasury-level expertise to operate! Working patterns, rosters, shifts, annualised hours and flexitime can all be user-defined and adapted to your business. The Export to Payroll function allows data from Tensor WinTA systems to communicate with all major payroll networks such as Sage, Pegasus, Centrefile and many more.