Web-based SSM
(Self-service Module)
Time & Attendance
Allow your employees to clock in and out of work remotely. Whether on-site or off-site
Linking with our Time & Attendance module, the SSM (self service module) allows your employees to have more flexibility to clock in and out, plan and request absences, update their details, request shift swaps, view clocking’s and hours worked. Whether they’re on-site, remote or hybrid working
Clocking in is made easy with the Tensor Self-Service Module
Web-based clocking for remote workforce management
Clock in/out Remotely
Give your hybrid and remote workers the flexibility to clock in and out of work remotely whether they’re working from home or in the office, while also being able to view clocking information and timesheets.
Requests made simple
Allow employees to plan and request absences, clocking amendments or shift swaps from the comfort of their own homes. For line managers, they can approve or deny these requests depending on employee availability with graphical departmental view on absences.
Managing flexitime made simple
Employees working a formal flexitime system can view their current flexi-balance in real-time and request adjustments to it. Whereas Managers Can Authorise or deny any requested flexitime adjustments.