New Widgets & Improved Password Handling Feature in Latest Tensor.NET SSM Update (Version 4.4.1.X)

With the latest update of our Self Service Module, version 4.4.1.X, we are happy to announce several key improvements to further your experience, and improve the functionality and usability for customers.


There are new settings provided in the General section of the feature selection and role management screens including widget restrictions and limiting notifications:

An existing option ‘Hide Line Manager Employee Code’ has been changed to ‘Hide employee code’ – when this setting is enabled, no employee code details are shown with employee names across all areas of the SSM, for users assigned to the role. Employee codes are now also removed from notification emails.

A new setting ‘Home Page Widgets’ is available and allows Admin users to apply restrictions to widgets within Roles. Enabled widgets are then listed in the user’s My Account page, where they can be added to the person’s home page, if required.

A setting has been added to allow the restriction of messages being sent to staff after changes are being made in the SSM – The Clockings and Absence sections of Features and Role Management. When ticked, the user will not be notified if the supervisor amends their absence or clockings.


Password handling has also been improved. There is a couple of changes made to how SSM handles forgotten or reset passwords:

When a user clicks on the Forgotten Password button, they are now emailed a temporary password. Once the user logs in with the temporary password they are prompted to change their password to a new one.

A similar process has been implemented in the User Management screen. A Reset Password button option is now available for administrative users to reset an employee’s SSM password. A user with a reset password is sent a notification email with the temporary password, which must be changed once logged in.

A number of enhancements have also been made to the home page widgets:

A new ‘Department Clocking Status’ widget has been added; this new widget is available to show the IN / OUT clocking status of all the employees within the same department. The widget can be added within the standard account widget section.

The ‘Schedule’ widget has been changed. The date has been removed and a current week label/button is in its place. The left and right arrows still navigate back and forward a week, but when on the current week a label will display saying Current Week and can be clicked to go to the week.


A new Supervisor ‘Bradford factor’ widget has been introduced. This is a widget that is only available for authorised users. This colour-coded widget lists all the user’s subordinate employees in descending Bradford factor order.

Another new widget, entitled ‘Department Roll Call Status’ shown in the photo here, is available to show the ON / OFF fire roll call status of all the employees within the same department.

Widget boxes themselves have undergone some re-styling too – they use a bootstrap-select style of drop-down boxes. These dropdowns will have rounded corners and the larger ones can now be given a built-in filter.

Finally, the new supervisory ‘Clocking Status’ widget has been enhanced with a new column to allow line managers to view their employees’ current flexi balance.

Additional enhancements include:

The notification emails received by SSM users have been modernised to include images and easier to read the text as shown in the picture here, rather than standard text.

The supervisory absence planners have been modified in this version of SSM so that the entitlement category is displayed. Employees that have Annual Leave and other entitlements such as Sickness or Time in Lieu are now selectable from a drop-down list.

The Skills option has been enhanced with new features to allow employees to gain skills after watching an induction video or viewing a document through the SSM. The new features allow the automated allocation of an Employee Task on account creation within the SSM. Once these tasks are created, an employee can complete them (ie. watch a video or read a document), and the skills are then created automatically, stored against the employee record. The screen shows the ‘Employee Tasks’ screen with automated tasks assigned.

Email notifications are now available with configuration options that allow users to be notified of booked future absences of their staff.

Mobile phone push notifications have now been implemented into this version of the SSM. When employees make Clocking Amendment or Absence requests in the SSM, the Authoriser (Line Manager) will receive a push notification on their mobile phone app.

Lastly, with this update, the employee screen ‘Field Chooser’ has received an enhancement. Users can now select the employees ‘Identity Number’ from the list to add the new column. The column can be sorted, searched or filtered in the same manner as the other fields.


Several bugs have been fixed since the last update to ensure a streamlined service – these include:

A fault was found when approving overnight holidays, an error stating “Holiday Times Not Set” would occur. We found the absence request was splitting into two individual days when overlapping midnight. This has been corrected so the request sees the correct times.

A fault was found where the Reason Code could not be edited on an approved Timesheet clocking. Users need to be able to update the request when the edit is submitted.

A fault was found when trying to export Shift information from the Shift Assignment screen. Users are able to view their assigned shifts and export to either a PDF or an Excel file so they can print off or view in a different format.

A fault was found on the Department Widget where large numbers of staff meant the Widget size increased on multiple pages, when this occurred the next button became inactive.

It was found ticking or unticking the ‘Include Absence Codes’ in expected hours in the Shift Assignment screen made no difference to the display.

A problem was found when Supervisors or Managers tried exporting a clock card report either in PDF or Excel. The report would export as expected but didn’t show the supervised employees data, it contained only the authoriser’s data.

Clock times that are amended in the main application change colour to green so that other users can identify changed clockings. A problem was found in the SSM where amended clockings were not following the same colour patterns.

A problem was found where the interface service was not importing employee images/photographs.

A display fault was found on both the Supervisory Absence planner and the Absence planner where the Category drop-down menu was not showing the correct categories – these should only show categories marked as ‘Entitlements’.

A fault was found when making clocking amendment requests. If you requested an amendment on the same day (ie. forget to clock back in after lunch, then make a clocking amendment request to change them in time). It was found if the Line Manager tried to approve this after you have clocked out for the day, it would fail.

A fault was found using windows authentication when trying to log in to the SSM. If the domain name is included after the Username then the login process would fail.

We are happy to advise that all of the above have now been resolved.


Customers have also been able to provide feedback and suggestions for specific issues they have faced when using our SSM, which we have been able to address and fix:

A request was made to make the questionnaire button labels amendable. Previously, at the end of the signing in or out process, it showed ‘Submit Questionnaire’ when for some users it really wasn’t a questionnaire. A new option has been added to the Tablet Themes, ‘Form Completion Button’ to allow the user to select “Submit Questionnaire”, “Submit” or “Continue”, depending on their requirements.

It is a common view from many customers that the Departmental Absence Viewer should have the ability to restrict Holiday viewing only. Changes have been made in the Role options to allow a separate restriction in the Absence code as shown. Users can now refine the viewing of Absence codes across multiple planners.

Finally, a fault was reported on the New Appointment page. When creating a new recurring appointment for a contractor, the appointment would get stuck on “Step 5: Select the car registration”.

We thank them for their time, allowing us to improve the system further.

Please note that existing users may require an upgrade to a compatible version of SQL Server to utilise this version, please get in touch to confirm your requirements.