Proven time and attendance system links to popular payroll systems
Huge cuts to Ealing Council’s budget are worse than initially indicated, which will bring jobs and frontline services under threat. The authority must save an extra two per cent after receiving its grant allocation from central funds, making a total of £66 million to be cut over three years. The council said that a list of community and volunteer groups which will be affected will be sent to the council cabinet in the spring. Its leader Julian Bell said: “It’s very disheartening when we have to make that level of cuts.”
Tensor’s WinTA Lite is the latest in our proven range of Windows™ based time and attendance products, from simple collection of employees’ clocking data, through to job costing and extensive labour hours analysis. Software reports show jobs that are over budget or those approaching their budget limit, useful if your company is finding finances are tight. This information can also be exported to spreadsheets. The Export to Payroll function links to Sage, Pegasus, Centrefile, Unipay, Moorepay, and other popular payroll systems.