Time and attendance system generates alerts when manning levels drop below specific thresholds

Tensor time and attendance systems for absence monitoring

Fully automated time and attendance systems can help alert managers when staffing levels are expected to go under a pre-set level – for example, when workers decide to go on strike. That’s exactly the case with NHS staff from nine unions that staged a 4-hour strike over pay yesterday.

The workers, including midwives, paramedics and radiographers, have suspended all non-urgent care for four hours, a news report on the matter was able to reveal. The row erupted over health secretary Jeremy Hunt’s decision not to award a blanket 1% pay increase to NHS staff in April of this year, ignoring the advice of the Pay Review Body (PRB), and follows a widespread day of action on 13 October.

As well as the strike, two further unions, the British Dietic Association and the Hospital Consultants and Specialists Association, will this week take industrial action short of striking. This involves refusing to work more than contracted hours between 25 November and 30 November.

Unison general-secretary Dade Prentis warned that “anger is spreading” among NHS staff over the inability to reach a deal on pay.

“The strength of feeling is far from fading and the dispute far from going away,” he said. “All the government has done so far is threaten workers with job cuts.

“If the secretary of state seriously thinks staff are the NHS’s best asset then he needs to treat them fairly. We are only asking for decent pay for the hard working people the government say they care so much about.”

Tensor Time and Attendance system helps manage all aspects of absenteeism

Tensor’s WinTA clocking and time and attendance systems deal with all aspects of worker absenteeism, including email warnings when manning levels are low.

Manning levels in WinTA.NET are based upon employee skills required during the working week. Any shortfalls to the expected requirement, due to absenteeism for example, can trigger a system email.

Both the WinTA Lite and WinTA Enterprise time and attendance systems can be integrated with Personnel Software which offers features that will save time and aid strategic planning, especially in emergency situations (strikes, natural disasters, etc.).

Mobile or wireless technology based time & attendance for employers from Tensor ensures an organization is kept up to date with who is missing at the workplace. WinTA.NET is a proactive system that keeps managers abreast of events. It does this by automatically emailing or SMS text messaging both employees and system users on various issues.

If you’d like to find out more about Tensor’s advanced workforce management software, just contact us or Book a Demo, we’d be more than happy to answer all of your questions and queries.