Visitor and contractor management systems help organizations protect their employees and assets

Visitor escort

Visitor and contractor management systems can help organizations better protect their employees and assets, especially when having to deal with a very large number of contractors and visitors arriving on site on a daily basis, but they can also have a positive impact on a company’s bottom line, by controlling costs.

These solutions should be easy to integrate with access control systems, as this improves flexibility and security by enabling the utility to provide barcode or proximity card access to guests so they can open doors, turnstiles, elevators and other locked areas that are controlled by the access control system.

In this way, visitors and contractors may use their own cards to enter some areas but not others based on each area’s security level and whether the visitor has been granted access permission through the access control system. The visitor management system can also issue long-term badges with barcode access to expedite contractor check-in/check-out time during multi-day projects.

As mentioned earlier, visitor and contractor management systems can also be used to control costs by better monitoring and controlling contractors working at their facilities. The system, for example, can be used to monitor contractor time and attendance by matching the contractor’s sign-in and check-out times. During facility outages there can be hundreds or thousands of additional contractors on site, but, with a visitor management system in place, utilities have a reliable mechanism for keeping track of who was there, for what period of time, and whether they were also working at other plants. This can be especially useful for validating the hours contractors claim to have worked, prior to paying them.


The Management of Contractors and Visitors Software(MCVS) is a network-based application that allows you to advance book visitor appointments and pre-book on site contractors. These bookings can be made either via the PC based application or a user’s Internet browser. Directly an appointment is booked, notification emails are sent to both the visitor and their host informing them of the appointment’s date, time and location.

Visitor appointments can be pre-booked either directly on the system or through the online Appointment Planner found within Tensor’s Self Service Module (SSM). Employees with an account can log into SSM using their Internet browser. Depending upon their security profile, SSM users can view and make appointments for themselves or colleagues. SSM users can also create new visitor and visitor company entries, view their own appointments, view all appointments at their site or view all appointments for their organisation.

The Visitor Monitoring (MCVS) module can be integrated with Tensor’s Access Control application. In this way when visitors and contractors arrive they are handed a smart card along with their identification pass. The smart card will grant them access through doors according to the security rules assigned to them on arrival. Furthermore, security settings are available to require authorised cardholders to escort visitors. The authorised escort must scan their card to validate the visitor’s card before access is granted.

If you would like to find out more about the Management of Contractors and Visitors Software (MCVS), just contact us or Book a Demo, we’d be more than happy to answer all of your questions and queries.